Sunday, April 18, 2010

Star Trek - 1

The lighting in this scene is used to seperate the character in the midground from the foreground and the background, instantly drawing the eye to him.The left side of his face is lit by a bright yellow light and the right side , by a bluish light.The side lighting by two opposite colors clearly show the features of his face and make him pop out of the background.

Once upon a time in america - 2

There are three main sources of light in this scene.The brightest light is coming from the lamp pointed towards the wall in the centre of the image.This directs the eye towards the window which casts light on the character in the foreground, illuminating him from the side, revealing his form.The third light is from the doorway, which is at a low angle, judging from the length of the shadows it creates.The lighting scheme makes the character in the midground stand out of the image, focusing attention on him, as we move to the next shot.

Once upon a time in america - 1

Three lights are used to light the characters in the foreground.A back light to the character on the left, which highlights the outline of his clothes and head.A light from his left and front which illuminates the left side of his face, and highlights the outline of the character on the right.The third light is in front and above the character on the right, it casts the shadow of the bowl over his mouth.The Lighting scheme helps to seperate the two characters from the busyness of the background.

Apocalypse Now - 2

The main source of light in this scene is the sun, shining from the top left.This lights the character on the right from the side, highlighting his outline.The look created is like a halo around him.The character on the left is in shadow.This symbolises that he is in darkness and the character on the right is bringing him back to the light.There is a low intensity fill light on them.The color scheme is warm, with no cool colors.

Apocalypse Now - 1

There is just one source of light in this image, the golden light of the sun.The time of the day is sunset.The character in front is lit from the left , and the amount of light is just enough to discern the features of his face.The character in the background has more light shining on him and reveals the gun he is carrying in his hand.The absense of any fill light helps portray the gravity of the shot and reinforce the theme of the movie, which is war.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dorian Grey - 1

There are two main sources of light in this image, accompanied by the ambient light.The brighest light is from the back, highlighting the characters hair and shoulders. the second light is medium intensity is from the characters left , casting shadows to reveal the form of his face and expression.The ambient light fills the shadows cast by the second light, but keeps the shadows created by the back light.

Silence of the Lambs - 1

There are two main lights lighting the character in this scene.A main light from the top and to the characters right, and of higher intensity.This cast shadows on his upper body and under his eyes, reinforcing the mood of the scene.The second light is a fill light shining from the front.This is of lower intensity.The lighting scheme is accompanied by the ambient lights shining on the bars of the cell and establishing the setting.