Sunday, January 31, 2010

Video Game - Left 4 Dead 2

In this screenshot from the video game, Left 4 Dead 2, the time of the day is dusk and the main source of light is from the moon from the top right.This is duplicated by a computer generated spotlight or a directional light shining from a motivated direction.The overall lighting scheme in the game increases the mood of fear in it.There are also a lot of shadows in the scene increasing the mood.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hellboy 2

In this image there are two sources of light. The main source of light is the motivated golden light from the back.It is accompanied by a fill light from the front and to the right.The color scheme is warm with no cool highlights indicating a mood of tension in the shot.The light also forms a halo behind the head of the character in the center who happens to be the king.

Assassins Creed 2

The main source of light in this shot is the motivated blue-grey light of the moon also seen in the picture.The color scheme is mostly cool with white highlights.The main character scaling the wall is also seen clothed in white.The buildings in the background are backlit by the moonlight and form a good silhouette.

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

The main source of light in this shot is the sun during dawn, shining a low intensity white light from the top left.The color is mainly green from the forest, with the two characters in white staged in the center of the shot.Even though the shot is part of a fight scene, there are no warm or red colors indicating violence.

Chronicles of Riddick

The main source of light in this shot is a warm red light from the left.The specular highlights on the characters body indicates a low intensity fill light from the right and another back light of medium intensity.The back light is also a motivated light coming from the furnace behind the character.The color scheme in the shot is black and red colors indicating anger or violence in the character.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Video Game - Dragon Age Origins

This is an image from the video game, Dragon Age Origins, and shown in this picture is the marketplace of a city.The main source of light in this picture is a warm directional light of high intensity shining from the top left.The length of the shadows and the intensity of light seem to indicate that the time of the day is mid morning or sometime afternoon.The foreground is made up of mostly warm colors and shadows , with the background having a cooler hue.The lighting also emphasises the anglular architecture of the roof of the building in the center of the picture.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lord of the Rings - Charge of the Rohirrim

The main source of light in this image from the Return of the King is bright golden light shining from the horizon left.This light competes with the darkness at the right side of the image, further escalating the the theme of the scene which is a war between the forces of light and darkness.The long shadows cast by the light , and the camera angle visually increase the sense of the army's size.
This is a picture taken in New York City.The source of light is the sun during dusk, a warm golden light from the horizon.The Scene is mostly made up of cool colors with the warm highlight of the sun.The buildings on the far side of the water are backlit by the sun, causing a well defined silhouette of the skyline.The overall mood of the scene is relaxation.
This is a photograph of a skeleton of a mammoth taken at the museum of natural history in Chicago.The main source of light is from the top, and to the left side of the skull of the mammoth.Other lighter sources of light are from the top left and the ambient light in the museum.The lighting setup emphasizes the size of the beast and the shape of the skull.The bottom of the tusks and the limbs of the skeleton are in shadow, directing the viewers eye to the skull.This causes the viewer to look up at the mammoth, causing respect for its size.
The source of light in this picture is the sun in the early morning.At this time of the day, the light is a cool white color with low brightness.The absence of sharp shadows suggests a cloud cover in the sky.The direction of light is from the low left, with most of the scene in shadow from the trees on the left side of the road.There is a high contrast in the scene with the bridge and trees making up the darks and the sky and the bridge support making up the lights.The overall mood of the scene is gloomy, suggesting bad weather.

Minas Thirith - Lord of the Rings

In this picture from the lord of the rings movie, there is a high contrast between light and shadow, setting up the war that follows in the movie.The main source of light is a bright sunlight shining from the top right.The scene has a cool color scheme, with grays and blues making up a large part of the image.The direction of the light on the city emphasizes the architecture and the detail in its construction, even from a distance.