Wednesday, March 31, 2010

God of War 3 Fight 2

There are 3 main sources of light in this image.The first from the motivated moon light shining through the ceiling from the right.This casts light behind the character.The second and third are the characters weapons. They cast shadows on the character that help establish his form. the one hitting the enemy serves the purpose ofputting the enemy in silhouette. The color scheme is mostly blue with lots of interesting shadows, which makes the main purpose of the lighting composition.

God of war 3 Tunnel

The main source of light in this shot is the high intensity orange light shining from the top of the characters head.This casts a stong backlight and reveals that he is wearing wings on his back.There are secondary lights in the tunnel below him which reveal where he is going to next.The Color scheme is mostly warm with high contrast.

God of war 3 Cave

The main source of light is from the object in the characters hand.It is a high intensity motivated white light.It reveals the form of the enemies he is about to face in the game.There is also a secondary source of light shining from the ceiling which helps establish the setting and reveal his surroundings.

God of war 3 - Fight Scene 1

The main source of light in this image is the motivated bluish white light coming from the characters weapons.This lights one of his enemies from the front but they face opposite directions.This helps reinforce the theme of the scene and establishes the fight about to take place.The secondary source of light in the background helps establish the setting.

God of war 3 - Title Screen

The main source of light in this image is the motivated light shining through the clouds.It is coming from the sun and creates bright highlights on the characters armor and side of his head.The other source of light is the non-motivated light shining on the characters face.This is of a relatively low intensity and the two lights together outline the shape and contours of the characters skull and intensify his expression.