Sunday, April 18, 2010

Star Trek - 1

The lighting in this scene is used to seperate the character in the midground from the foreground and the background, instantly drawing the eye to him.The left side of his face is lit by a bright yellow light and the right side , by a bluish light.The side lighting by two opposite colors clearly show the features of his face and make him pop out of the background.

Once upon a time in america - 2

There are three main sources of light in this scene.The brightest light is coming from the lamp pointed towards the wall in the centre of the image.This directs the eye towards the window which casts light on the character in the foreground, illuminating him from the side, revealing his form.The third light is from the doorway, which is at a low angle, judging from the length of the shadows it creates.The lighting scheme makes the character in the midground stand out of the image, focusing attention on him, as we move to the next shot.

Once upon a time in america - 1

Three lights are used to light the characters in the foreground.A back light to the character on the left, which highlights the outline of his clothes and head.A light from his left and front which illuminates the left side of his face, and highlights the outline of the character on the right.The third light is in front and above the character on the right, it casts the shadow of the bowl over his mouth.The Lighting scheme helps to seperate the two characters from the busyness of the background.

Apocalypse Now - 2

The main source of light in this scene is the sun, shining from the top left.This lights the character on the right from the side, highlighting his outline.The look created is like a halo around him.The character on the left is in shadow.This symbolises that he is in darkness and the character on the right is bringing him back to the light.There is a low intensity fill light on them.The color scheme is warm, with no cool colors.

Apocalypse Now - 1

There is just one source of light in this image, the golden light of the sun.The time of the day is sunset.The character in front is lit from the left , and the amount of light is just enough to discern the features of his face.The character in the background has more light shining on him and reveals the gun he is carrying in his hand.The absense of any fill light helps portray the gravity of the shot and reinforce the theme of the movie, which is war.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dorian Grey - 1

There are two main sources of light in this image, accompanied by the ambient light.The brighest light is from the back, highlighting the characters hair and shoulders. the second light is medium intensity is from the characters left , casting shadows to reveal the form of his face and expression.The ambient light fills the shadows cast by the second light, but keeps the shadows created by the back light.

Silence of the Lambs - 1

There are two main lights lighting the character in this scene.A main light from the top and to the characters right, and of higher intensity.This cast shadows on his upper body and under his eyes, reinforcing the mood of the scene.The second light is a fill light shining from the front.This is of lower intensity.The lighting scheme is accompanied by the ambient lights shining on the bars of the cell and establishing the setting.

Gangs of New York - 1

A 3 point lighting system is used to light the character in this scene.The main light is on the characters left and front shining with a medium intensity and white color.The fill light is on the right shining with the lowest intensity.The backlight is of the highest intensity and creates an outline around him, seperating him from the background.The time of the day is morning.

Spartacus -2

In this scene the two characters are lit by seperate sets of lights.The character on the left is lit by two lights, a main light shining from his front and left, and a side light of a bluish color from his right.This reveals the form and features of his face.The character on the right is lit by a bluish light from the left and a low intensity orange light from the back, putting the side of his face in shadow.

Spartacus - 1

In this scene the main source of light is the motivated light coming from the sun.The tim eof the day is noon, judging by the brightness and intensity of light.The absense of deep shadows indicates that this scene was shot inside a studio and not outside. There is a second non motivated source of light shining from the front and to the right of the frame. This has relatively low intensity and complements the color of th sun, acting as a fill light.

Godfather - 1

The character is lit by two sources of light.The first is a orange light shining from above.This puts his eyes and lower face in shadow, establishing the mood of the scene.The second source of light is a very low intensity white light which fills the shadow on his face, such that his features are visible.This light also creates highlights at the center of his eyes improving the overall look of the scene.

Casino Royale - 2

In this scene , the time of the day is night, so there are no natural sources of light.The main sources of light are street lights, and non motivated bright bluish white lights are used to recreate this look.The shadow on the the wall of the truck tells us that the character is lit by 2 lights in front of him, shining at almost a 30 degree angle to him.They reveal the features of his face and expression.

Casino Royale - 1

In this image , the main source of lighting is the sun.It is shining fromthe right side of the image, and the time of the day is noon.It casts a rim light over the main character, highlighting his outline.There are 2 other non motivated lights in the scene, lighting the actor, a light from his front and right, and another from the side.These 3 lights are similar to the three point lighting scheme when lighting the character.

Chocolat - 2

The main source of light is the orange light coming from the lamp at the top right of the image.This lights the characters face from the front and left.There is another motivated source of blue light shining from behind him, used to sepearate him from the background by highlighting his outline.There are also other lights ,not visible in the image, but cast highlights on the silverware.These are used to frame the characters face in the image.

Chocolat - 1

The brightest source of light in this scene is the white light of the sun shining through the door.The character standing at the door breaks this light into shadows which act as pointers directing the users eye to the second character standing at the right side of the image.The table in front of her points to the other furniture on the left, consisting of the two lamps which point the back to the first character.The main purpose of lighting is composition, and the color scheme is a mix of both warm and cool colors.

Friday, April 16, 2010


There are 4 main sources of light in this image.The sunlight through the door on the left side of the scene,the sunlight through the hole in the roof,sunlight through the window and the fire on the right side of the image.The character on the left is lit from the back, side and top.This highlights his outline and makes him stand out of the background.The top light highlights the sword he is holding.The character on the right is lit from back by the fire and from the top and right.He also has a rim light and stands out of the image.The character in the background is only lit by ambient light and blends into the background.

Spiderman2 - 2

The main and only source of light in this shot is the glowing orb in the center of the image.It lights its nearby objects and puts the edges of the image in complete shadow.This acts as a framing device and also puts the main character, spiderman is a clear silhouette in the foreground. The character in the background also is in silhouette, showing the 8 arms clearly.The main purpose of lighting is composition.

Spiderman - 2 -1

In this scene the main source of light is a non motivated bluish white light shining with high intensity from the top.The main purpose of lighting is revelation of form of the character lying on the ground.The rays of light from the light, directs attention to the character, and the color of his clothing is the only warm color in the cool colored background, making him stand out of the background.

Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix - 3

The purpose of lighting in this image is composition, with the light used to direct the viewer's eye to various elements of the scene.The eye is first attracted to the bright light shining through the window. The shape of this light then points to the bird , which is lit from the back and side, revealing its shape and posture.This then points to the orange light coming from the bookcase.Then the shadows created by the bench point to the solitary figure seated on it.There is a high contrast between light and shadow, and the color scheme is warm.

Harry Potter and the Order of the phoenix - 2

The main purpose of lighting in this scene is composition.There is only one source of light in the image, the sun, and this light is distributed by the elements in the scene to frame the image and direct the user's eye.The character in the foreground and the animal in the background are in complete shadow and create a good silhouette.These are used to frame the action between the other two characters in the midground.A beam of light selectively falls on the small creature in the midground, making it the focus of attention.The color scheme is cool, with no warm colors.

Harry potter and the order of the phoenix -1

In this scene , the lighting design is layered in terms of color.The background is colored blue and lit by a dull white light.The two characters in the foreground are lit by yellow colored lights, and this makes them stand out of the background. The yellow lamps in the background seems to be the motivation for this lighting , but the intensity is scaled up to give a surrealistic look.This reinforces the theme of the full move, Magic.

Dark Knight - 2

In this scene the main source of light is the white light shining through the window.This sidelights batman, revealing his form and highlighting his outline.There are other lights inside his vehicle used to indicate the interiors of a car.The light also casts highlights on the steering wheel and other devices inside the car.The main purpose of lighting is revelation of form, but the lighting fits in with the dark mood of the film.It keeps the scene dark in accordance with the rest of the film, but is adequate to show the objects in the scene.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

District 9 -1

The main source of light in this scene is the white light coming from the sun, through the windows.This creates highlights on the man's skull and nose, and puts the other half of his face in shadow.There is another motivated blue light shining on his head from his right.These two lights generate highlights and shadows that reveal the form of the man's face and his expression by the wrinkling of his forehead, which is clearly visible.

Ashes of Time

In this image the source of light that first attracts the eye is the bright orange light from the lamp in the corridor.The other source of light is the sun, whose light is distributed by the architecture of the building.The lighting scheme clearly illuminates the characters face where as the rest of the body is in shadow.The lighting also creates several interesting patterns after passing through the architecture.The main purpose of lighting is composition.

Arthur and the minimoys

The main source of light in this image is the bluish white light shining from the moon at the centre of the image.This casts a rim light on the character ,highlighting his outline.There is also a non motivated fill light in the scene as there are no deep shadows on the characters face, which is supposed to be when a character is lit by back lights.This light also casts highlights on the telescope the character is looking through, giving a sense of direction to the scene.


In this scene the main source of light is the bright light coming through the window.The angle and intensity of light indicates that the time of day is mid-day.This light acts as a side light to the character holding the gun, casting a rim light on his coat and hat.There is another source of light in the scene which casts shadows of the reclining man on the wall and highlights on the door frame.Also, a third fill light which fills some shadows on the characters.


In this image, the main source of light is the motivated orange light coming from the fire in the fireplace at the center of the image.This illuminates all the surrounding objects and gives a little ambient light to the room.However there are also other non motivated sources of light in the room, added digitally to enhance the color and mood of the scene.The other motivated sources of light are the blue lights shining through the windows .These give a slight bluish tinge to the otherwise orange color scheme used in the scene.


In this image, the main source of light is the bright white light shining from the moon on the top left hand side of the image.This lights the character on the stair from the back and highlights his outline, revealing some of his form.There is also a secondary non-motivated light shining from the left.This illuminates the front of the image and the sides of the gravestones in the fore ground.The main purpose of lighting is composition, with the lights and shadows increasing the horror element of the scene.


In this image, the main source of light is the bright white light coming from the dragon's flame.This lights up the face of the dragon and and the front part of its torso and wings.There is also a secondary source of light shining from the top left corner of the image.This is a motivated source of light from the sun, and the time of the day is either the early morning or evening.This light side lights the face of the dragon and casts a rim light on its wings.The color scheme is mostly cool with the warm highlight of the flame.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

welcome noise by jama jurabaev

In this image, the main and only sources are the white beams of light from the ship.The main purpose of lighting is composition, as the lighting creates shadows and highlights in the image, which help direct the users eye to various parts of the image.The eye is first directed to the brightest point of light in the image in the centre.From here the shape of the ship acts as directional arrows which direct the eye to the top of the image, and the massive form of the spaceship.The eye is then directed to the top left of the image and the beam of light there. The beam of light points down towards the man in shadow.He then directs the eye back to the centre.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Steamnoccio by fabricio moraes

The main source of light in this image appears to be the golden light of the sun shining through a window in the room from the left side of the room.This lights the metal boy from the top and back, and when combined with the steam in the air, creates a magical halo around it, reinforcing the theme of life given magically to a character.The same light also reveals the form of the creator and the steam pumps.The color scheme is mostly warm with deep shadows on the right side of the image.

Le Bain by Eva Berthelette

In this piece of digital artwork, the source of light is the sun, whose light is distributed into many beams by the architecture.The time of the day is mid morning judging by the brightness of light and the angle.The main purpose of lighting is composition, as the lighting creates highlights and shadows that direct the viewer's eye to various parts of the image, telling a story.The eye is first directed to the brightest part of the image, the two figures in the pool.The eye is then directed towards the ceiling by the beams of light and then directed towards the left side of the image by the curved doorways and to the figure seated in shadow.

Arch City

The main source of light in this image is the bright white light shining from the sun.The time of the day is either early morning or evening judging by the low angle of sun and the dark sky on the opposite side of the image.The position and angle of the sun backlights the arch in the image, revealing its form.However the beam of light also hits the arch from the side, revealing the detail on the wall.All the spires in the background are lit from the back and the side, revealing their form.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Trip to the souk by Andrzej Sykut

In this piece of digital artwork, the main source of light is the sunlight , which is distributed into various shapes and patterns by the architecture of the scene.The architecture in turn distributed the scene into various parts, and the whole image tells a story.The viewers eye is first drawn to the brightest point in the image, the light at the left side of the image.The sunlight draws the viewers eye to the man pointing at something.This again draws us to the light pattern on the floor.The Doorway directs the eye up and over the building and the eye ends at the solitary figure standing on the other side.

Twilight - 1

There are two conflicting sources of light, both interms of color and distribution.The character is lit from her right by a bright orange high intensity light distributed over a smaller area.She is lit from her right by a dull blue colored low intensity light distibuted over a larger area.Also, highlights on her upper lip and nose indicate a third fill light.The purpose of lighting is to reinforce what the character is going through right now, namely a change in her life, a transition between two opposites.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fortress of solitude by maarten vertoeven

The main purpose of lighting in this image is the revelation of form of a digital sculpture.the main source of light is from the characters front and to his left.This is accompanied by a low intensity fill light from his right and a back light shining from above him.This makes the lighting scheme a version of the 3 point lighting system.

Misty Swamp by Petar Balsic

The design style in this image is very expressionistic.The lighting further reinforces this style with the eerie green light being the primary source of light in the image.This is complemented by the orange light shining from the windows of the house.The green crystals in the middle of the scene immediately attracts the eye and then directs tthe eye to other areas of the image.There is also a good sense of atmospheric perspective in the image, establishing the setting of a misty swamp.

Sweeny todd and the demon barber of fleet street - 1

The main source of light in this image is the white light from the sun shining through the window.This lights the chair and the two main characters in the scene from the side, creating bright highlights on one half and complete shadow on the other.This reinforces the dark theme of the movie.Also, the lights and shadows direct the viewers eye to various aspects of the scene.So another purpose of lighting is composition.Another interesting thing about the scene is that the only bright color in the scene is the blue shirt worn by the dead character lying on the floor.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Vertigo - 2

In this picture, there is a high contrast between light and dark, with dark framing light.In the dark park of the image, there is just one bluish light shining from the left, which creates a good silhouette of the architecture and the character behind the column.This then directs the viewers eye to the other character seated in the hall. The window in the ceiling also is blue in color from the sky and its angled to point towards the character in the middle of the frame.The main purpose of lighting in this picture is composition.

Batman Forever -2

The sources of light in this shot are the two green side lights on the character's head, a dull blue light on the characters eyes and nose from the front, and a pink fill light from his front-right.The side lights reveal the shape of his mask and give his head a clear outline.The blue light reveals his eyes while keeping the surrounding areas of his face is relative darkness, reinforcing the theme of the movie.The contrasting pink fill light creates an interesting gradient on and around the area of his mouth.The character is lit by primarily cool colors of light, and the background is lit by warm colors, making him stand out of the background.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Batman Forever

The lighting used in this shot is similar to that used in a dance program, where the main purpose of lighting is revelation of form.Seperate set of lights are used to light the two characters and the setting.Batman is lit by a high intensity light from the top right , and a relatively lower intensity fill light from the left.This puts his eyes in complete shadow and reveals the shape of his face and armor.The other character is lit by two top lights which light is head and his arms, putting his torso and lower body in complete shadow.The set is lit by low intensity blue ambient lights.

The thomas crown affair

The character in this image is lit by two main sources of light , both motivated coming from her left and front respectively, from lights in the room.These are also reflected in her eyes.Secondary sources of light include a dull light behind her from the window and a non motivated light from her right , which acts as a fill light.Much of the lighting information comes from the knife she is holding in her hands.The lighting scheme is a form of 3 point lighting which reveals the form of her face and makes her stand out from the background.

Vertigo - 1

The main source of light in this image is the motivated bright light form the sun shining from the top right of the frame.This light creates interesting shadows which are used as framing devices.The column on the right side of the image creates a shadow on the wall which seperates the two characters.The lady is framed in an angular square created with shadows and the column.This points to the other character in the scene and his dark coat redirects the users attention to the Lady.The main purpose of lighting is composition.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

X men 3

The main source of light in this image is the motivated bright white light shining through the window on the right side of the frame.This lights the character from the side, revealing the form of his face.The dull highlight on the right side of his face also reveals a secondary nonmotivated light which is used as a fill light on his face.The main purpose of lighting is revelation of form.

Clash of the titans

The only source of light in this image is the golden light cast by the evening sun.This casts a back light on the character which produces a clear silhouette of himself and his horse.They are the only objects in the scene in complete shadow, which makes them stand out of the frame.The purposes of lighting here are establishing the time of the day and revelation of form.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Farmhouse at Night

There are 7 sources of light in this image. These include the light shining from the five windows and the one before the main door.All these sources cast a bright orange light, clearly from light bulbs inside the house. The last source of light is the moon shining with a bright bluish light above the house.All these lights create shadows on the building and the foliage around the building making the main purpose of light composition.There is a high contrast between lights and shadow in the scene.

Old Farmhouse painting

The main source of light in this painting is the pinkish blue light shining from a source, possibly the moon , hidden from the viewers eye behind the house.There is also a secondary source of light casting a eerie greenish-yellow light from inside the house.There are two main purposes of the lighting in this shot, composition and establishing the mood. The distribution of light around the house creates shadows which make the house pop out of the frame, and the color scheme and the single eerie light create the theme of horror in the scene.

Farmhouse interior

The main sources of light in this image is the yellow light shining from the windows.The light and the angle of light indicate that the time of the day is afternoon.The reflections of the light from the windows off the furniture and the door frames act as interesting secondary sources of light themselves.So, the purpose of lighting could also be composition as these secondary sources direct the viewers eye to various objects in the scene.The furniture and the texture of the wood also give direction to the viewers eye adding to the composition.The color scheme is warm.


The main source of light in this image is the bright sun shining from the right side of the image.The time of the day is afternoon as indicated by the length and extent of the shadow on the roof of the barn.Since the sun is the only source of light, it clearly indicates the direction the farm is facing.The color scheme consists of a balance between warm and cool colors.The presence of mountains in the background creates a sense of atmospheric perspective in the scene.

Farm House - Sunrise

The main source of light in this image is the orange color of the rising sun shining from the right side of the image.The darkness of the sky indicates that it is sunrise.The main purpose of the lighting is establishing the time of the day and the setting of the scene.There is a delicate balance of warm and cool colors in the scene.There is also a high contrast between bright light and shadow.