Thursday, February 18, 2010

The main source of light in this shot is the bright light of a mid-day sun shining behind the character.This gives the character a bright outline, seperating her from the background.The highlights on her face indicate secondary non-motivated lights used for better visibility.The lighting also emphasises the mood of the character as she is going to a funeral, with the light behind her and relative darkness before her.

Video Game - Fallout 3

The main source of light in this CG shot is the white light of the sun, shining from the left.The intensity and direction indicate the time of the day to be mid-morning.The light cast on the road, points the viewers eye to the eyes of the statuette.The expression on the face of the statue fits in with the melancoly theme of the game.The atmospheric perspective used puts the buildings in the background in silhouette.There are no warm colors in the shot, indicating a bleak and cold environment.

How the grinch stole christmas

The main source of light in this shot is the eerie green light coming from the grinch's machine.This puts the grinch's back in silhouette against the blue background.It lights the grinch's right outline, making him look scarier.The green light also indicates the grinch's envy and jealousy towards the other people who are celebrating christmas.The color scheme is mostly cool with the highlights of the machine adding warm contrast.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snow White

In this picture, the main source of light is the orange light from the candle.This light is in front of a blue background, bringing it further into the foreground.The shadows cast by this light reinforce the theme of the location, which is a witch's laboratory.It reveals the form of the skull on which the raven is sitting.The raven and skull also cast a shadow on the wall, and this shadow looks like the witch's silhouette.The scene has high contrast between lights and darks and warm and cool colors.

Edward Scissorhands

The lighting in this scene is made up of the motivated light shining through the two windows and the doorway.The light through the doorway shows a good silhouette of the character peeking through the doorway.This directs the viewers eye to the light on the floor and this then directs the eye to the stairway, which is the final destination of the character.The top light on the other objects in the hall indicates a light source from the top.

Finding Nemo - Underwater

The main source of light in this shot is the non-motivated source of light shining from the top left and from the front of the central character.This is non-motivated because the rays of light seen underwater indicates that the sun is shining from the top right.The Light reveals the expressions on the characters faces by casting shadows under and around the face.The top light illuminates the air bubbles , giving a better underwater look to the scene.

Finding Nemo, Sunset

The main source of light in this picture is the warm orange light coming from the setting sun.This is seen exactly at the horizon highlighting the turbulent surface of the water.The top of the wings of the seagulls are also highlighted , leaving their rear-ends in shadow, generating high contrast in the scene.

Alladin 2

The single source of light in this image serves dual purposes of selective visibility and composition.The motivated light shining through a window in the dungeon, directs the viewers eye to the shackled form of alladin lying on the form.The light through the prison bars casts shadows on alladin, further emphasising that he is behind bars.The color of light indicates that its night time.


The lighting in this shot replicates dusk, with the pinkish color to the light and the long shadows cast indicating the sun to be close to the horizon.The sun is shining from the top right.The lighting also creates a sense of atmospheric perspective, with the foreground in more shadow than the background.This draws the attention of the viewer towards the background, and finally to a dejected alladin seen walking towards the sunset.

SpiderMan 3

The main purposes of lighting in this shot are selective visibility and revelation of form.The light sources are a mixture of motivated and non-motivated sources, with some lights due to lights in the building and the car also caught in the web.Other light sources are added to specifically highlight the form of the character.The main source of light is the bright white light shining from the top right.The secondary source of light is from the top left and from the back of the character.These two lights define the characters form and set him apart from the background.

Pirates of the caribbean - Dress in water

The main source of light in this image is the white light shining from the top left.This replicates daylight shining through the water.The color of the dress also indicates a lighter green light shining through the water.This light replicates the greenish hue in ocean water.The direction and angle of light, highlights the outline of the dress, revealing its form.The warm colors of the dress also makes it stand out from the blue background.

Ever After

The main source of light is the bright motivated light shining through the window.The brightness of this light and the character carrying what seems to be a teapot, indicates that the time of the day is morning.The lighting set up puts the objects at the edges of the shot in shadow, adding to the composition of the scene.The other source of light in this scene is from the candles, which illuminate the character carrying the teapot, and highlight the embroidery on his clothes.This character draws the viewers eye to the candles, which finally direct the eye to the second character near the window, who is hidden behind the curtains

V for Vendetta

The main source of light in this shot is a white light shining from the top right of the character.The shadows and highlights that it casts reveals the form of the mask that the character is wearing.It also reveals the form of the characters hand and the weapon he is carrying.The character is also lit by a low intensity light from the top which lights his shoulders, and the top of his hat(Not seen in this shot).

The fountain

The brightest source of light in the shot is the white light shining from above.The character is also lit by a warm light from the right side, which casts shadows on the right side of his face and under his eyes.He is also lit from the computer screens which cast lights on his shirt.The color scheme is mostly warm, with high contrast.


The main source of light in this shot is the eerie green-blue light at the characters feet.This is a motivated source of light to indicate that a spell has been cast.The other source of light is that of a setting sun, seen by the warm light cast on the characters face.Green light sources are also added to the characters hands, indicating that the character is casting the spell.The light on the characters hand and the characters feet form a triangle.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The main source of light in this shot is the low intensity light shining from the top left on the characters face.It casts interesting shadows on his face, revealing its form.But, its main purpose is in revealing his eyes, which point the viewer towards the blue flame coming fom the goblet of fire and the ring of fire around it.This is the final destination of the viewers eyes in the scene.The color scheme is cool with the brightest blue in the center of the frame.

Monday, February 8, 2010


In this shot, the main source of light on the central character is the white light shining from the top right, highlighting the back of the character's head and neck.This light also casts shadows on the dress, revealing the form.The other sources of light in the image are the light shining through the doorway, highlighing the wall to the characters left.The main purpose of this light is composition.The color scheme is mostly warm with the character dressed in bluish-white setting her apart from the background.

Gladiator 2

The main source of light in this shot is the midday sun shining from the left side of the image.The terrain,buildings and landscape generate a lot of interesting shadows.Thus the main function of the lighting scheme is composition.The color scheme is mostly warm with cool highlights in the shadows and the background.


The main source of light in this picture is the motivated daylight.This single source of light creates a large shadow in the shot.Thus, the main purpose of the lighing scheme is composition.We see the main character emerging from shadow to the light, so a secondary purpose of the light is selective visibility.


The main source of light in this shot is the motivated white light shining through the window at the right side of the image.The character is also backlit by the same type of light.This puts a rim around his neck, seperating him from the background.The character is lit from the front by a non-motivated light, used for better visibility.The color scheme is mostly warm with earthy colors and whites.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone

In this shot there is a sharp contrast between lights and darks and warm and cool colors.This draws the attention of the viewer to the characters face and emotion.The main source of light in this shot is a white light shining from the left.The character is lit by a warmer hue of light within the room.This further defines the door between the two rooms since it is in shadow from both light sources.

Pirates of the Caribbean - Curse of the black pearl

The main source of light in this image is the motivated light shining through the roof the smithy.The characters are lit from the back and top, and the main purpose of this lighting is revelation of form and composition.The scene is a duel between the two characters and the lighting highlights the movements of the actors.There is a sharp contrast between light and dark and this further emphasises the conflict between the 2 characters.

The Dark Knight - Joker

The only source of light in this shot is the motivated white light shining from the windows in the background.However the one light reveals a lot about the characteristic features of the joker.His eyes are in complete shadow, depicting the pure evil in his heart and his actions.His face is dimly lit and the light is enough to see the trademark grin of the joker.The lighting in the shot also has a high level of contrast, which reinforces the theme of a battle between light and darkness in the movie.

Lord of the rings - Forest

In this shot, the main source of light is the strong motivated light from the right side.This is used to simulate mid-morning daylight shining through the forest.This lights the left side of the central character, Legolas, revealing the form of his face and the texture of his clothing.It also reveals the form of the arrow, which forms a good silhouette due to the dark tree in the background.The color scheme is mostly cool in the background with warm colors in the foreground.This makes the characters stand out of the background.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pulp Fiction

The main source of light in this scene is an unmotivated light used to selectively illuminate the characters in the center of the shot.This is identified by the shadows of the characters on the walls of the hallway.The other sources of light are the motivated white light source from the door at the end of the hallway.The same light also bounces off the walls of the hallway.The shot uses mostly warm colors with a strong contrast with black.The only cool color source is the green spot in the middle above the characters.


In this shot, the main source of light is the motivated blue light back lighting the characters.This is used to recreate moonlight.The right side of the shot is brightly lit whereas the left side is in shadow,giving a sense of direction to the image.The backlight also gives the characters a good silhouette, showing them facing each other.The colors scheme is cool with no red wavelengths used.

The Matrix

The motivated sources of light in this shot are the white lights shining from the top and through the door.However, the character's face is also well lit indicating non motivated sources of ligth used for better visibility.The light from the elevator's button is in contrast with its dull surroundings.This directs the viewers eye towards it and the other character who are waiting for the elevator.The color scheme is cool, with warm highlights of the graffiti on the walls.

The Illusionist

The main source of light is the motivated bright light ,used to backlight the 2 characters in the foreground.The time of the day appears to be mid-morning or early afternoon.There also appears to be a top light added, as the top of the table and the tops of the characters heads are well lit.The color scheme is mostly warm with a strong contrast between blacks and yellows.The overall lighting scheme also reinforces the 1900's theme of the whole film.

Wall E - Spaceship

In this shot, there is a high contrast between whites and blacks, and between warm blues and the red light.The blue lights appear to fade into the background whereas the red light on the little robot's head stands out in the foreground.This contrast establishes the mood of uncertainity and nervousness in the main character,Wall-E , who is in a new environment.A light is also used to clearly display the front of the little robots face, which also shows a frown.